Goals and Objectives

The goal of this website is to assist parents to contemplate bilingual education as one option for helping their children become bilingual and biliterate in order to achive some of the advantages that bilingualism has over monolingualism. Additionally, the goal of this website is that parents become able to identify the different bilingual educational models and to recognize the one that best meet their expectations and needs to help their children to reach bilingualism and biliteracy.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

MODULE 3: Activities

01. Comparison Chart - Different Bilingual Education Programs.

A comparison chart  of the different Bilingual Education programs described previously is presented in the next link


02. Example of a dual language program.
The purpose of showing the next video is to observe one example of a successful bilingual education program.

03. Bilingual education schools
The purpose of the following links is to show different bilingual education programs.

a) Transitional Bilingual Education Programs:

Austin Independent School District

b) Developmental Bilingual Education programs:

Alburqueque Public School

c) Dual Language Programs:

McAllen Independent School District

d) Bilingual Immersion Programs:

Alamo Heights High School

e) Heritage Language Bilingual Education:

 University of Huston- School of Human Sciences and Humanities

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